No waitlisting
No hidden costs
Assessment completed by a qualified paediatric Clinical Psychologist
Feedback provided to your referring paediatrician within 24 hours
Final report completed within a week
Mobile service offered to Eastern and South Eastern suburban schools
Child and Adolescent Assessment
Learning Ability Assessment
If your child is struggling academically and is not making progress, an assessment of their learning ability can help to identify any underlying problems. Like the cognitive assessment, an assessment of a child's specific learning abilities involves more than just administering individual tests. There are additional sources of information that must be considered in order to fully understand a child in context. For this reason, our assessment process involves the following components:
- An initial interview with the child's caregiver to obtain relevant information about the child's background and current learning concerns
- Correspondence with relevant specialist and allied health service providers currently involved with the child
- Correspondence with the child's teacher
- Administration of a cognitive assessment. Depending on the child's age, this assessment will be the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (Fourth Edition) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Fifth Edition)
- Administration of various educational tests from the Woodcock-Johnson Fourth Edition assessments
- Feedback session with the child's caregiver to explain assessment findings and recommendations
A cognitive assessment is a formal test of an individual’s thinking, problem solving and reasoning abilities. The cognitive assessment process itself however, involves more than just administering an individual test. There are additional sources of information that must be considered in order to fully understand a child in context. For this reason, our assessment process involves the following components:- An initial interview with the child's caregiver to obtain relevant information about the child's background and current difficulties
- Correspondence with relevant specialist and allied health service providers currently involved with the child
- Correspondence with the child's teacher
- Administration of the cognitive assessment. Depending on the child's age, this assessment will be the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (Fourth Edition) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Fifth Edition)
- Feedback session with the child's caregiver to explain assessment findings and recommendations
A referral is not necessary unless you wish to claim Private Health Fund or Medicare rebates.